Coming soon
The French capital is being thoroughly transformed with the construction of the grand boulevards and the awakening of a new artistic trend that will change the way people look at art and the world – the Impressionism.
The main character of this novel recounts her unusual relationship, crossing centuries and spaces, with Gustave Caillebotte, friend and patron of artists such as Monet and Renoir and himself an impressive impressionist painter. The author traces the story of this sad millionaire and describes his life from birth to the moment when the famous painting "Paris Street on a Rainy Day" reaches the Art Institute of Chicago.
Combining historical lineage with artistic flair, Isabel Río Novo - a two-time LeYa Award finalist - offers us a compelling work about the power of art and talent that establishes her as one of the most important voices in contemporary Portuguese literature.
Coming soon
Augsburg, 1935. The storm that looms over Germany also threatens the peace of the Melzer family and the cloth villa. Marie’s sowing atelier is pushed to the edge of ruin when word spreads that she is of Jewish decent. Her husband, Paul, must face a dire financial situation at the factory and the government’s increasing pressure. One day, when Paul is advised to immediately divorce his wife, Marie will have to make a momentous decision that will change everyone’s life forever…
Coming soon
Paris 1887: Gustave Eiffel wants to build the tallest tower in the world. Apart from him, no one believes that the crazy steel colossus will be ready in time for the World's Fair - except for his brave daughter Claire. At a time when it was still considered inappropriate for women to go for a walk alone, she served as her father's most important advisor and private secretary. But it's not just the race against time that bothers the Eiffels: the Parisian art scene, especially Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas, is rallying against the alleged defilement of the city. In the midst of public outrage and her personal battles, an unexpected encounter confronts Claire with perhaps the most important choice of her life: Is the Eiffel Tower her destiny - or is her future in the new world, across the ocean?
Coming soon
Augsburg 1930. Marie and Paul Melzer are happy, and their love is stronger than ever - crowned by their third child, the now four-year-old Kurti. But due to the global economic crisis and difficult times, Paul has to fight for the survival of his cloth factory. When he falls ill, Marie steps in to save the company from ruin, because nothing other than the fate of the entire family is at stake. Important decisions have to be made. Only if everyone sticks together now can their beloved Cloth Villa be saved.
Coming soon
Mystery, suspense and a deadly threat to humanity await in this crime novel by Francesco Frattini
Young Isabel embarks on a mysterious exploration of Mount Athos, unaware of the danger her unrelenting interest in the legends and fairy tales of this mystical place is leading her into. When her father, Commissioner Philip Dorsel, realizes that his daughter's life is in danger, he also heads to the beautiful Greek peninsula. He must use all the skills he has gained as an investigator with the Anti-Terrorism Unit of the French police to protect her. Because behind the magnificence and apparent tranquility of Athos lies a dark secret - a deadly virus that threatens to claim thousands of innocent victims. The whirlwind race against time passes through France, Greece, Bulgaria and England, and with each passing hour the fate of humanity becomes more and more uncertain.
Francesco Frattini, a businessman, producer and screenwriter, first published his novel Athos in 2018, not suspecting the dramatic events that would follow worldwide and in his native Italy. The current version contains an edited text and a new layout, but the original plot has been preserved.
Coming soon
After spending his childhood in foster care, Noah finally meets his mother, Patience, at the age of twelve, in the lobby of an airport in Louisiana. Though she does everything to make up for it, she never mentions the reason for the abandonment; and so, whether at the Cape Cod beach house where they spend seasons, or at the Connecticut theater where they end up working together, there is a path of embers that insists on separating them but that none dares to cross.
When Noah meets Frank O'Leary – an eccentric Jesuit who drives a Rolls-Royce to colours – he discovers in him the support he was looking for. Even so, there are things the priest prefers to keep to himself: his student years; the Irish bar in Boston where he and friends soaked in beer and recited poems; and Catherine, the ambitious young woman who was not afraid to divert him from his vocation.
It is, interestingly, the horrific experience of loneliness at a religious college – haunted by stories of Dickens and a gruesome murder – the first secret Patience will share with Noah; however, when this confession fits Father Frank's account, the smell of tragedy will remain in the air, and the revelation that follows it, can only be a lie.
Leaving Europe at war from the previous novels, João Pinto Coelho travels this time to New England and its beautiful and tumultuous sea, to offer us the fascinating story of a family that cannot escape its fate and whose outcome is truly genius.
Coming soon
Superintendent Teresa Battaglia, expert criminal profiler with four decades of experience on the Italian police force, returns for a chilling cold case.
A decades-old murder investigation has landed on Superintendent Teresa Battaglia's desk. DNA analysis has revealed that a painting from the final days of World War II contains matter from a human heart. Teresa is able to trace the evidence to Val Resia, one of Italy’s most isolated, untouched regions, where she faces a ruthless killer.
"They call them 'cold files'… like the wind that blows in these valleys, like the ice that covers the mountain tops. A violence buried by time that suddenly resurfaces… This may be the last investigation I will ever conduct. And for the first time in my life, I'm afraid I can't save anyone, not even myself."
Coming soon
The fate of a mighty family in turbulent times.
One decision that changes everything.
And love that conquers.
Augsburg, 1920. Despite the difficulties the country is still struggling with, the Cloth Villa looks to the future with optimism. Paul Meltzer is home again and takes over the management of the factory trying to restore it to its former glory. After a series of personal twists, his sister Elizabeth returns to the family estate. And Marie, the young wife of Paul, who took the responsibility for the factory, the villa and the whole family during the years of war and poverty, finally has the opportunity to fulfil her dream - to create her own fashion atelier. Her models enjoy enormous success, but her happiness is marred by the frequent arguments with Paul. Unable to take it any longer, Marie makes the difficult decision to leave the mansion with her two children.
"Смола" е книга, която не се забравя лесно. Книгата се чете изключително бързо благодарение на напрегнатата атмосфера и кратките глави, които неусетно те увличат да продължиш още малко… и още малко. Както вече беше споменато, любопитно е да надникнеш в живота, навиците и мисленето на хора от нация,… Resin
Мащабно произведение за Яни Хаджиянев - Калиакренски - писател, общественик и родолюбец. Подбрах тази книга, понеже е за писател, но я прочетох като историк. Много неща научих, които по принцип знам, но някак са минали по периферията и не съм задълбавала. Няма много литература и не се изучава… Добруджанският феникс (Предварителна поръчка)
Добруджанският феникс (Предварителна поръчка)
Невероятна книга! Толкова красиво е написана. След нейното прочитане си закупих веднага другите две книги ( трета все още не беше излязла) на авторката. Препоръчвам я горещо! Като вятър, съшит със земята
Като вятър, съшит със земята