Read and dream - what could be better than that!
Why Lemur?
Lemur Publishing House is the dream of a girl who grew up amid the smell of old books in the library, where her mother worked. She lived in a pretty village in the Fore-Balkans, but constantly traveled all around the universe through the stories she read. She discovered the world, clinging to books just like baby lemurs do, huddled in their mothers' arms, literally inseparable from them in the first months of their lives.
That is why our mission is to discover interesting stories and shape them into beautiful editions that will excite the souls and touch the senses of generations of readers.
We look at each book as a work of art that you can proudly place in your library and reread over and over again. We work with translators, editors, proofreaders and designers who treat each book with love and responsibility. We are dedicated to our work because we love it and nothing makes us happier than the satisfied reader.

How did it all start?
With our first product, we did an experiment that aimed to delight a class of students, graduating from primary education. Together with them we created a book-album that will remain forever and will remind them of their youth. They became our first authors, and we realized that making a book is a process that requires a lot of knowledge and skills, but above all - inspiration, perseverance and a strong desire.

The result brought such incredible satisfaction that we could not stop there. After this project, another one appeared. And once it was executed successfully, we felt ready to officially start our publishing business.
2020 turned out to be a challenging year, but that only motivated us to create an e-bookstore, so that the books can be more accessible to take you on exciting journeys.
Read and dream - what could be better than that!